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Oracle資料庫12c資料庫即時同步選購配件(Golden Gate);以處理器核心數使用授權/含第一年原廠標準維護

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Oracle Golden Gate軟體是一種基於日誌的結構化資料複製備份軟體,通過解析源資料庫線上日誌或歸檔日誌獲得資料的增量變化,再將這些變化應用到目標資料庫,從而實現源資料庫與目標資料庫同步,可以在應急系統、線上報表、實時資料倉庫供應、交易跟蹤、資料同步、集中/分發、容災、資料庫升級和移植、雙業務中心等多個場景下應用


Memory需求,Each x86 64-bit server must have the following minimum memory:
Audit Vault Server: 8 GBFoot 1
Database Firewall: 8 GB

Disk需求,Each x86 64-bit server must have a single hard drive with a minimum of the following disk space:
Audit Vault Server: 220 GB (Recommended is 300 GB)
Database Firewall: 220 GB

Network需求,Oracle recommends the following number of network interface cards (NICs) for each x86 64-bit server on which you install the following components:
1 NIC for the Audit Vault Server
At least 1 NIC for a Database Firewall operating as a proxy
At least 2 NICs for a Database Firewall in DAM Mode (monitoring only)
At least 3 NICs for a Database Firewall in DPE Mode (monitoring and blocking. If you install the Database Firewall with fewer than 3 NICs, then you must add more NICs to make the Database Firewall DPE mode possible.