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Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes, 2 Cores, 5x8 三年訂閱

組  別2
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項  次95
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從邊緣、資料中心到雲端等混合雲環境,Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 能提供統一且連續各環境和叢集管理,不需要隨時保持 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 和邊緣端的連線狀態。

緣部署的範圍可以從數百個到數十萬個 Kubernetes 叢集,且經常需在僅有少數或完全沒有 IT 人員的地點進行。從邊緣、資料中心到雲端等混合雲環境,Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 能提供統一且連續各環境和叢集管理,不需要隨時保持 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 和邊緣端的連線狀態。

最新版 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 為企業的應用程式環境提供完整的管理功能,包括同時橫跨單節點 OpenShift、遠距工作節點和三節點叢集,減輕管理大型基礎架構的維運壓力。


大規模邊緣管理:使用者透過單一的 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 中心(技術預覽版)以及託管 fleet 的 IPv6 雙堆疊支援,便能管理近 2,000 個單節點 OpenShift 叢集,為低頻寬、高延遲連網或斷網的端點提供擴展性。


零接觸配置(技術預覽版):使用者能透過輔助安裝程式,在地端使用 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management,簡化大規模部署叢集的複雜性。


Master Node:
1. Base OS: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.4 or later with the "Minimal" installation option and the latest packages from the Extras channel, or RHEL Atomic Host 7.4.5 or later.
2. Minimum 4 vCPU (additional are strongly recommended).
3. Minimum 16 GB RAM (additional memory is strongly recommended, especially if etcd is co-located on masters).
4. Minimum 40 GB hard disk space for the file system containing /var/.
5. Minimum 1 GB hard disk space for the file system containing /usr/local/bin/.
6. Minimum 1 GB hard disk space for the file system containing the system’s temporary directory.
7. Masters with a co-located etcd require a minimum of 4 cores. 2 core systems will not work.

Working Node
1. Base OS: RHEL 7.4 or later with "Minimal" installation option, or RHEL Atomic Host 7.4.5 or later.
2. 1 vCPU.
3. Minimum 8 GB RAM.
4. Minimum 15 GB hard disk space for the file system containing /var/.
5. Minimum 1 GB hard disk space for the file system containing /usr/local/bin/.
6. Minimum 1 GB hard disk space for the file system containing the system’s temporary directory.