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Superna Eyeglass Suite(Superna DR Manager Edition 1 node)擴充

組  別7
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項  次70
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Superna Eyeglass® enables a disaster recovery solution based on the cluster witness concept that is used in highly available disaster recovery solutions.

- SynclQ + Superna Eyeglass@ enhance the Disaster Recovery Solution for your Isilon Infrastructure.
- Protect configuration data and real data (share,nfs, quota, snapshots).
- Reporting on synciq, simulated DR testing


1. vSphere 6.0 ESX host or higher or hyper-v with vhdx appliance appliance requires
1. vcenter supported deployment clients
1. vcenter 6.5 Flex or html5
2. vcenter 6.7 Flex client (vmware bug broke OVF with html webUI)
3. vcenter 7.0.1 Build: 17491160
2. NOTE: All other tools are unsupported. Requires vapp property support.
2. 4 vCPU
3. 16 GB RAM
4. 30G OS partition plus 80 GB disk Total disk size in VMware 110G
5. Latency from admin PC to Eyeglass VM GUI < 15 ms ping times
6. AD Auth provider in System zone for RBAC and other SID to user resolution API requirements
7. Chrome Browser (Required), Browser must support Websockets, Internet Explorer is not supported.
1. The browser must not disable 3rd party cookies required for authentication sessions and file downloads.