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Dell EMC ISILON / PowerScale SmartLock 1 node

組  別7
單  位
項  次63
產  地愛爾蘭
評  價


Data retention
Protect your critical data against accidental, premature, or malicious alteration or deletion with our software-based approach to WORM

Protect your critical data against accidental, premature or malicious alteration or deletion with our software-based approach to Write Once Read Many (WORM) and meet stringent compliance and governance needs such as SEC 17a-4 requirements.


適用於VMware ESXi平台,虛擬機匯入方式部署

Host l VMware ESXi 5.5
l Minimum number of hosts—3 with 1 node per ESXi host per cluster
l Maximum number of hosts—6 with 1 node per ESXi host per cluster

RAM Minimum unused RAM—6 GB per node
vCPU Minimum vCPUs—2 per node
Drive type SATA, SAS, SSD
Data disks l Either 6 or 12 defined data disks
l Minimum size of each data disk—64 GB
l Maximum size of each data disk—2 TB
l Minimum cluster capacity—1152 GB