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Dell EMC Data IQ資料群管理軟體(10TB授權)

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項  次58
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Storage monitoring and dataset management software for your unstructured data
DataIQ 是資料管理與檔案分析軟體,可讓組織透過單一虛擬檢視畫面,探索、移動異質儲存系統中的資料並加以分類。

Storage monitoring and dataset management software for your unstructured data
DataIQ delivers a single-pane-of-glass view of all file and object data across the enterprise as well as investigative reporting on the performance of PowerScale clusters.

High speed scan, indexing and search capabilities across heterogeneous systems
Reporting on data usage, user access patterns, performance bottlenecks and more
Supports data tagging and precision data mover capabilities
Free to use for any Dell EMC storage systems under management"


"Dataiq Option 1: Install on an existing server or VM
The server or VM requires either:
● 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server, v7.6, 7.7, or 7.8. (Red Hat Enterprise Linux v7.9 and v8.x are not supported) or
● 64-bit CentOS 7.6, 7.7, or 7.8. (CentOS v7.9 and v8.x are not supported.)
Dataiq Option 2: Create a new VM using an Open Virtualization Application (OVA) bundle
Supported virtual environments include:
● VMware ESXi 6.7
Memory (RAM) DataIQ requires at least 64 GB of memory.
Processors (CPU) DataIQ requires a minimum of 8 processor cores
Drive requirements
we recommend using a combination of both solid-state drives (SSD) and traditional hard disk drives (HDD).
Minimum size of data disk—580 GB"