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Tiger Bridge 分層儲存管理平台 256TB 授權

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Tiger Bridge provides a simple administrative console where HSM policies are created to determine when files will be replicated and tiered based on last access time and/or volume capacity.

"- Preserves native Active Directory / ACLs
- Eliminates intrusion points with direct server-to-cloud migration
- Transfers data to/from cloud using SSL/TSL encryption
- Limits the amount of block storage required
- Extends block storage across cloud storage classes (active and inactive)
- Optimizes cloud data placement for frequent access or low cost archive
- Preserves and restores file attributes to/from the cloud
- Restores file system tree-structure ”on-demand” for expedited operational recovery of huge datasets
- Retrieves file content ”on-demand” with prioritized partial restore"


- PC with 64-bit (x64) processor.
- 64-bit Microsoft Windows® 7//8/10 Windows Server 2008 R2/2012 R2/2016/2019.
- 4 GB RAM at least.
- 30 MB of available hard-disk space.