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Application Life Cycle Management 軟體生命週期管理

組  別22
單  位
項  次82
產  地
評  價


Application Life Cycle Management提供軟體測試生命週期管理
含蓋需求管理/ 測試案例管理/ 測試時程管理/ 測試結果/ 缺餡管理/ 儀表板及報表功能, 有效管控軟體品質.

1. Application Lifecycle Management
Gain actionable insight and strong team collaboration across the software development lifecycle with ALM Software. Ready for the challenge of lean, Agile and DevOps, ALM enables teams to build, test, and deliver applications fast and with confidence regardless of development methodology.2.
2. Agile Project Management
A lean, mean, agile machine. HP agile project management software unites product and project teams and fosters continuous improvement through real-time visibility into Agile tasks, metrics and progress.
3. Quality Management
Keep quality at the center of Agile delivery. HP Quality Center is built upon industry best practices for test management enabling teams to manage test planning, test execution, defects and overall release quality.
4. Application Lifecycle Intelligence
Included as a core part of the ALM Software Solution - Application Lifecycle Intelligence (ALI) integrates widely used development tools with ALM and surfaces analytics' based insights to deliver apps faster.
5. Open Source Integrations
ALM software is designed for easy integrations via a well-documented set of REST APIs. HPE ALM software supports integrations with over 70 widely-adopted open-source and commercial development-management solutions.


硬體需求:4 Core Cpu / 8G Meory / 100G HDD *2 以上
作業系統需求:Windows Server 2012 / SQL 2012 enterprise 以上