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Neverfail Continuity Engine

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Continuity Engine是唯一具有應用感知(Application-Aware)功能的業務連續性軟體,可以主動察覺應用程序故障;啟動即時故障轉移,以便在發生故障之前減少停機時間。超越災難恢復並啟動真正的連續可用性,為RPOs和RTOs提供接近零的恢復時間。

Continuity Engine可以保護您的多數任務關鍵應用程序,目標是實現零停機。它通過主動監控應用程序的運行狀況並確保其始終處於健康狀態和健康的配置,提供即時故障切換且恢復時間趨近於零。
 增加了Atlassian,Oracle,PostgreSQL和Veeam的應用程序支援外掛。
 通過即時故障切換和近乎於零的恢復時間(RTO和RPO),保持關鍵I T系統的持續可用性。
 使用能夠監控應用程序運行狀況和配置的應用程序感知技術防止用戶停機。
 保護物理、虛擬和雲環境。


Primary Server/主要伺服器參考規格:
Microsoft Windows Server/Advanced Server 2000 SP4
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 SP1/SP2 Standard/Enterprise Edition 32-bit and 64-bit (Itanium is not supported)
2GB of free system hard disk space. This should be on the drive Neverfail Heartbeat is to be installed upon
A minimum of 512MB RAM (1 GB is recommended). Exact requirements depend on application load

Secondary Server/次要伺服器參考規格:
Operating system, service pack level and hotfixes must match the Primary Server
System RAM should be greater than or equal to that on the Primary Server
ACPI compliance and Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) must match the Primary Server
Available disk space should be greater than or equal to that the Primary Server

Network requirements/網路介面需求
WAN: 2 Network cards per machine - 1 Public & 1 Neverfail Channel
LAN: 2 Network cards per machine - 3 recommended for redundancy purposes - 1 Public & 2 Neverfail Channels
Neverfail SCOPE should be used to confirm a server or server pair's suitability for Neverfail Continuity Engine implementation.