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Commvault 完整郵件歸檔軟體授權Per User(含一年版本更新)

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授權介紹:Commvault 完整郵件歸檔軟體授權Per User(含一年版本更新),為針對Exchange/Cloud Apps,進行資料保護
品牌介紹:Commvault 為全球知名資料備份及管理的領導廠商,蟬聯 Gartner 評鑑

1.迅速復原應用程式及資料,可由各種不同環境 復原,例如虛擬機器、訊息、資料庫及檔案。
2.OnePass 技術的單一掃描可整合檔案及電子郵件資料的備份、歸檔及報告,協助簡化管理、 縮短時間及降低基礎設施成本。
3.全新的強化功能利用虛擬環境進行迅速的 DR 情境測試,協助減少災難復原成本及其復原時間。
5.Commvault軟體平台提供整合式的歸檔功能,可減少保存的成本及複雜性。策略型的自動化歸檔,以意 義、內容或法規遵循為基礎,將資料移往成本較低的儲存裝置,讓資源獲得最佳運用,並大幅降低基 礎設施成本


CommServe Server: System Requirements
The following requirements are for the CommServe server.

Best Practice

Use the latest version of the operating system software listed in the Operating System table. Commvault software fully supports the latest version of an operating system until the vendor ends support. Newer versions of Commvault software might not install on operating systems for which vendor support has ended. For information about the Microsoft support lifecycle, go to the Microsoft Support website, Microsoft Support Lifecycle. For support lifecycle information for other operating systems, contact the appropriate software vendor.

Operating Systems


Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Editions

*See Considerations for Microsoft Windows Server 2016 for more information.

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Editions

*See Considerations for Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, and Windows 8.x for more information.

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Editions

*See Considerations for Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2, and Windows 8.x for more information.

Cluster - Support

The software can be installed on a Cluster if clustering is supported by the above-mentioned operating systems.

For information on supported cluster types, see Clustering - Support.


All Windows-compatible processors supported

Hardware Specifications

The hardware requirements for CommServe installed on either physical or virtual machines is explained in Hardware Specifications for CommServe.